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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 23
Сегодня был сделан мини-баннер 88x31. Были бы благодарны, если вы поставите её у себя на сайте. Вот код нашей кнопки для вашего сайта:

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Просмотров: 2140 | Дата: 23.12.2010

Skype downtime today - многие могли подумать, что празднующий свой день рождения Антон Уральский устроил всем разрыв, но это не так. Товарищи пранкеры, не переживайте, Skype в дауне, но скоро разрывы будут устранены. Видать, очередной массированный удар хакеров из Тынды взорвал 9000 компьютеров сети SkyNET. Терминаторы модели "Арнольд Шварценеггер" на своих харлеях выехали разбираться.

Earlier today, we noticed that the number of people online on Skype was falling, which wasn’t typical or expected, so we began to investigate.

Skype isn’t a network like a conventional phone or IM network – instead, it relies on millions of individual connections between computers and phones to keep things up and running. Some of these computers are what we call ‘supernodes’ – they act a bit like phone directories for Skype. If you want to talk to someone, and your Skype app can’t find them immediately (for example, because they’re connecting from a different location or from a different device) your computer or phone will first try to find a supernode to figure out how to reach them.

Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of supernodes available. Unfortunately, today, many of them were taken offline by a problem affecting some versions of Skype. As Skype relies on being able to maintain contact with supernodes, it may appear offline for some of you.

What are we doing to help? Our engineers are creating new ‘mega-supernodes’ as fast as they can, which should gradually return things to normal. This may take a few hours, and we sincerely apologise for the disruption to your conversations. Some features, like group video calling, may take longer to return to normal ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 3995 | Дата: 23.12.2010 | Комментарии: 1

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